The Charitable Grand Gala, organized by Embassy of the Order to the Republic of Namibia, has become a regular event intended to raise funds in order to support the humanitarian activities run in the city of Rundu, in the North of the African Country. This year, the Gala was held in Pietrasanta, courtesy of Jean-Paul Sabatié, who generously opened the doors of sculptor Igor Mitoraj’s atelier, a unique scenary transformed in a dining room for one evening by Diego Fiorini. Among the guests, greeted by the host Ambassador Giacomo Berutto, were Capitular Fra’ Giovanni Scarabelli, Ambassador Linda Scott, High Commissioner of the Republic of Namibia to the Order of Malta, and Ambassador Julien Brunie, Head of mission to the Reign of Morocco.
During the fabulous soiree, the Embassy staff and the members of Ketuko Italia Ets explained the important work carried out in Namibia, where the Embassy runs a kindergarten for more than 120 children, a first aid clinic and a soup kitchen that provides over 400 meals a day in Rundu.
More projects are being studied to implement the activity in the Country, both in the field of education and health assistence: the revenue of the gala evening, together with the contribution of Fondazione Mediolanum, will be used for these structures, which represent a legacy and an important commitment.